Fellowship Ministry

“Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, the breaking of the bread and the prayers?” From the Baptismal Covenant Book of Common Prayer, p. 304.

Fellowship is as important a Christian activity as worship, study, and prayer. We take our fellowship events seriously at St. Richard’s, doing our best to prepare food and drink and fun for our intergenerational community.

Weekly Fellowship: Coffee Hour

Each Sunday morning you can enjoy coffee and donuts in the Parish Hall starting at 9 a.m. and fellowship with congregants from the 8 a.m. service. After the 10:30 a.m. service, snacks and often light lunch items are served in our breezeway.

Monthly Fellowship: Divine Diners

Divine Diners of St. Richard's gathers every third Sunday of the month at 6 p.m. at a local restaurant for fun conversation and to support our local community. Charlie Wilson ensures that each location can accommodate the more than 20 members of St. Richard’s and their family and friends who gather each month. Please check the main calendar for the Divine Dining location for each month. If you have a special place you want Charlie to consider, please call the church office and leave a message for Charlie.

Period Fellowship Events

Planning fun events throughout the year is a joy for St. Richard’s. From the Kentucky Derby Party in May to the Chili Cookoff in January and the occasional pot luck dinner and wine and cheese event, we are always ready to party at St. Richard’s.

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