Give Online

Your tithes and gifts are vital to the everyday ministry that takes place in and through St. Richard's. Every dollar you give has a direct ministry impact at St. Richard's. Some can only give a little… Others can give much more. Prayerfully consider how God wants you to give.

While we do accept credit cards, please consider using electronic funds transfer. Unlike credit cards, there is a smaller cost incurred by the church, thus allowing your donation to go much further in accomplishing our mission!


Learn how to GIVE ONLINE

You can give a donation as a Guest or a Member.

For Guests, you do not need a login. You can use the My St. Richard's quick gift tool to give to a specific fund without logging in.

For Members, a login is needed. With My St. Richard's, you can divide your gifts by fund, set up recurring gifts, view giving records and more. (A one-time registration is required.)

Need a Record of Your Giving?

Need a detailed record of your giving for taxes or other purposes? Simply log into My St. Richard's and click My Giving History. You can then download a PDF Tax Statement. Have questions about giving records? Feel free to contact the church office.

About My St. Richard's

Want to keep a record of your online giving? Would you like to specify where your gift will be used or set up recurring gifts? You can do all of this through our My St. Richard's online giving tool!

If you’ve ever registered for an event with us or managed a group online, you already have an account! Simply login to get started (you can create an account there if you need to). After loging in, you can give a one-time gift, set up recurring gifts, or print a detailed report of your previous giving.

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