Dr. Carl MaultsBy - Director of Music
Drucila Mundo - Parish Administrator
David Kellogg - Administrator Assistant
Benny Rosario - Sexton
Karen Sund - Nursery
Warren Carlson - Senior Warden
Michael Dey - Junior Warden
Pam Eastburn - Treasurer
Brenda Lutter - Clerk
Vestry members - Justin Graham, Linda Jakubisin, John King, Andrew Lisa, Stephen McConnell, Stephen O'Connell, Diana Oxford, Luis Pagan, Christopher Roberts, Jacky Rodriguez, Deb Sponsler.
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Sundays: 8 am & 10:30 am in person. The 10:30 am service is live-streamed on YouTube. Sunday Evening Worship is at 5 pm in person only.
Wednesdays: Healing and Holy Eucharist at
12 noon in person only.
Mondays-Fridays: Morning Prayer is at 9 am Monday-Friday via Facebook Live only.